After the trial period expires, you'll need to purchase a licence (Link opens in a new window) to continue using the product. Note: Trial licences for Tableau Desktop or Tableau Prep expire after a set period of time, usually 14 days. For more information about renewing your licence, see How to Renew your Tableau Licences (Link opens in a new window). If you don't renew your term licence and the term expires, Tableau will stop working and you will no longer have access to the software. You can continuously renew the term licence as each specified period expires. Term licences must be renewed and the product key refreshed to continue providing uninterrupted service. For more information, see Activate Tableau using Login-based Licence Management (Link opens in a new window). Instead, you use login-based licence management to activate and sign in to Tableau Server or Tableau Cloud. When you purchase a new Tableau Server or a new Tableau Cloud subscription, however, product keys are no longer issued for Tableau Desktop or Tableau Prep Builder. Tableau Desktop and Tableau Prep Builder can be licensed under a term licence model.